
Can print government documents be checked out?

Nearly all print government documents in our collection can be checked out to patrons who have circulation privileges. Members of the public wishing to access print government documents within the depository collection are welcome to use this collection in person during library operating hours.

If a patron does not have circulation privileges to check out a document, they may use one of the scanners to scan the document and save it on a USB drive or email it to themselves. 

There are two ways to know if a particular document can be checked out.

  1. The catalog record will say checkout is available.
  2. On the document itself near the SuDoc call number. If you find the word DOC, it is available for checkout. If you find a document with DOC PER near the SuDoc call number, that means the item cannot be checked out.

Views: 21
Answered by Lawrence Mello
last updated: Jul 18, 2023