
What kinds of materials can I request through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?

ILL Requests aren't just for books! You can also borrow other materials like:

  • DVDs (movies, TV series, educational)
  • CDs
  • Articles
  • Book chapters
  • Microfilm/Microfiche (NOTE: FAU Libraries does not have microform readers.)
  • Music scores
  • Audiobooks
  • Thesis or dissertations

The following items might be difficult to find a lender willing to loan them, but are eligible for ILL Requests:

  • Newly released materials
  • Entire issues of periodicals
  • Genealogical materials
  • Non-circulating materials (reference books, archival materials, special collections, rare or very old books)
  • International materials
  • Textbooks (many libraries are unwilling to loan their copies of textbooks, or will only allow a short-term loan)
  • eBooks within the Public Domain

The following materials cannot be filled by ILL Request:

  • eBooks still under copyright restrictions
  • Items available at the FAU Library

Views: 14
Answered by Lawrence Mello
last updated: Jul 27, 2023