What are primary sources, and how can I find them at the FAU Libraries?
A primary source is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event.
Examples of primary sources are:
- Diaries, journals, speeches, interviews, letters, memos, manuscripts and other papers in which individuals describe events in which they were participants or observers;
- Memoirs and autobiographies;
- Records of organizations and agencies of government;
- Published materials written at the time of the event;
- Photographs, audio recordings, moving pictures, video recordings documenting what happened;
- Artifacts of all kinds; and
- Research reports in the sciences and social sciences.
You can find them at the following places:
- Primary Source Research Guides
- Special Collections
- Government Information and Maps
- General Collection (Search the library catalog for diaries, memoirs, etc.)
- Newspapers Databases
- Digital Library Collection
Views: 32
Answered by Jerrel Horn
last updated:
Aug 25, 2023
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